Last updated on March 16, 2022

6 Ways to Boost Your Instagram Impressions Successfully in 2022

A few years back, it was relatively easy to develop an Instagram strategy for your business, but now as more and more companies and entrepreneurs are leaning toward social media marketing, the competition is getting tough. 

But it has also given us the opportunity to work with new and upgraded features and think of newer ideas and concepts. Now we all agree that creativity is limitless, and the opportunities will continue to grow, but the key factor that decides in what direction all your efforts will go? Or more accurately, what impression will you leave and how many will you receive in return?

On that account, if you’re a business owner or have anything to do with Instagram marketing, continue reading to find how to successfully increase your Instagram impressions. 

Instagram Algorithm

In order to fully understand how Instagram impressions work,  you need to first learn about the mechanics of the Instagram algorithm. Although there is a debate among people over organic reach and the algorithm, here’s how it functions. 

The algorithm decides the ranking of the videos and pictures that appear in users’ feeds. The equation is simple; the higher your ranking, the more reach you achieve. Users’ witnessed a nosedive in conversion rates because of this. 

But like we talked about opportunities amidst the chaos, you can in fact use the constantly updating algorithm to your advantage and increase your chances of reach and impressions.

What are Instagram Impressions?

Instagram impressions are of high importance when it comes to reaching your audience. Whatever ads or campaigns you may run or reach you may get, your Instagram impressions numbers will most definitely be higher than them. 

They specify how many users have viewed your post how many times, and how many viewed it more than once. From there, you build a strategy according to what aspects of your post attracted the viewers. 

Ways to Boost Your Instagram Impressions Successfully

 If you are thinking of building an Instagram strategy for your upcoming brand or making improvements in your already existing business on Instagram, then read up ahead and learn some truly useful tips. 

#1 Make Use of All Features & Formats

Instagram’s major attraction is the wide array of features they provide that are constantly being updated and added to. Being the leading social media platform for everything visual is why it’s popular among people. So with tons of options and post formats, why not make it part of your strategy?

A few options include:

  • Reels
  • Instagram stories
    • Polls
    • Quizzes
    • Filters etc.
  • Live streams
  • Shopping catalogs
  • Story highlights

You can utilize the diversity in the available filters, hashtags, and other engagement tools. Communication is a two-way road, giving your customers the option to communicate with you and your brand. 

#2 Use Geolocation

If your business targets more locals, then this is the ideal way to get impressions.  A lot of Instagram users’ often search for certain locations rather than hashtags. Make yourself easily accessible. Inflate your Instagram reach, engagement, and impressions by using geolocation as a part of your overall social media marketing strategy. Another plus point, you will also be able to witness posts that feature your brand with geolocation.

#3 See What Hashtags are in Trend

Talking about hashtags, it is one of the most functional and relevant techniques to increase your impressions and gain new followers. Even in this strategy, HOW you use hashtags plays an important role. The ideal way would be to amalgamate different hashtags and make multiple sets of them. From location-specific hashtags to age and interests, your hashtags need to target your audience.

#4 Work With Instagram Ads

Now, this might seem a little confusing since we are also talking about organic Instagram reach, which is the flip side of Instagram Ads. You can acquire organic reach through Instagram Ads. Yes, you read that right. It is achieved by carefully selecting one of your posts that had the highest engagement rate, using Instagram analytics. Once you have found the right picture or video, you can promote it via Instagram Ads and watch the post organically skyrocket on users’ feeds.

#5 Post at Instagram Peak Times

No power is greater than good timing. So is the case here, posting at the right time will get you the most of your potential Instagram reach and boost your Instagram impressions. Match the timings of your post with when your followers are the most active. It can be hard but it is not impossible. Since this will bring about a greater chance for your content to be viewed.

#6 Explore the social side of Instagram

Time, communication, are all very basic things but are the core of any company’s solid foundation. It’s called Social media or Social networking for a season. You cannot take the social out of the platform and still succeed. What you need is interaction with your followers. This leads to organic Instagram reach. A great way to take the upper hand on the algorithm. Replying to the users’ queries, showing appreciation for likes and comments are also key to brand awareness. A well-balanced social interaction with your followers will keep them coming back. 

Final Note

Approach your brand’s Instagram strategy, keeping all the above-mentioned ways in mind. Even by utilizing just one of the techniques, you will be able to see a huge difference, but if you unify all of the tips, carefully create a strategic outline and implement it perfectly, also taking into consideration the Instagram algorithm, your business will attain tremendous success in impressions and more!

Or you can avoid the hassle and let the experts do it for you, while you enjoy success. Veteran markers at NX3 Corporation can guide and help you with all Social media marketing aspects – Reach, engagement, impressions, and everything else.

Reach out to us today, and unleash your full potential!

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