Last updated on May 12, 2021

Building Trust and Loyalty Through Data-Driven Personalized Content

Achieving the trust and loyalty of the customers is amongst the most important and at the same time the most challenging business goals. One way to do so is to engage and attract customers using data-driven personalized content.

According to a survey conducted by Epsilon, around 80% of customers are more likely to buy a product or service from a brand that’s offering personalized content and experiences. Since the rise of digital technologies, it has become much easier for companies to gather data on their customers, and new technologies like fitness trackers, Apple watches, and smart home devices have further added to the trend of gathering and transmitting detailed information about customers. 

What is Data-Driven Personalization?

Data-Driven Personalization means using the customer data gathered via various digital platforms to create content and marketing campaigns relevant to the customer at the most appropriate time. Its aim is to deliver value to the customers at just the right moment. It helps in increasing conversion rates and in generating promising leads. It is important to gather just enough information about the customers to be able to do data-centric marketing. Personalized content and marketing campaigns also help in delivering a better experience to the customers and building engaging customer relationships.

Tackling the Data Privacy Concerns

Some companies adhere to the practice of total honesty when it comes to gathering consumer data via multiple sources. While most companies keep their customers in the dark and prefer asking for forgiveness later rather than permission. At times companies also quietly collect data they have no immediate use of and justify it by saying that they might need it in the future. Many market researchers have now deemed this approach of gathering customer data as shortsighted and ill-considered.

Gathering customer insights and data can be highly advantageous for a company but it needs to be done in a proper manner. Customers are often worried about their privacy issues. They are on a certain level aware that they are under surveillance but they do not yet understand the capacity in which this is being done. In the future data and insights about the customers will give organizations a competitive advantage but they need to adhere to a more transparent approach towards this. It is important that organizations remain honest about the information they are gathering and how they are gathering it. They should also give customers control over their data. Those who are dishonest about how they use personal customer data stand to lose customers’ goodwill.

Ways to Build Customer Loyalty and Trust using Personalized Content

Make the data you gathered work for you

Companies must gather the data most relevant to their brand and product portfolio. It helps them build and add to the individual customer profiles created by businesses, this will help them build stronger customer relationships eventually.  

Your marketing team should be willing to put in the effort needed to customize each prospective customer’s experience according to their specific needs.  The more relevant information on customers you collect, the better you can serve them what they need.

Social Media Engagement

It is very important that you engage with your customers on different social media platforms. It helps build trust and increases customer engagement. Use the data gathered to create content for social media platforms that will drive engagement. This will eventually lead to customers trusting your brand and its products. If you maintain proficient communication with your customers, you may be able to gather more customer data.

Recommend Relevant Products

According to a study conducted by Marketing Dive, consumers are 40% more likely to view products that were recommended to them based on the information they’ve shared with the brand. Customer Data allows brands to offer relevant information to their customers based on their past behavior. You can even send timely relevant emails to your loyal customer passed on their preferences. And in case your company is launching a new product, with the help of the customer data your company has gathered you can identify which of your customers would find that product useful. You can then reach out to them directly.

Bottom Line

Content marketing is an important part of the digital marketing strategy. Personalized content adds to the effectiveness of this particular digital marketing tool. Visit NX3Corp and receive consultation from our expert digital marketer on how you can personalize your content to build dedicated customer loyalty and positive customer experiences.

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