NX3 Survey App

Easily Conduct Market Research, Create Surveys, Gather Feedback And More!

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NX3 Survey App Opinion Matters

With The NX3 Survey App, You Can Gather Data For:

Market And Consumer Research Image

Market And Consumer Research

Surveys Image


Feedback Image


Reviews Image


Assessments Image


Ratings Image


Create A Custom Survey In Minutes

Drag and drop questions and options to create custom surveys in minutes. No technical knowledge required. Add, remove and change the sequence of questions easily.

Privacy & Confidentiality Guaranteed For Sales And Support Teams

Customizable privacy and security settings allow sales and support representatives to create surveys that are visible only to themselves and their respective managers.

Get In Touch With Your Customers And Make Informed Decisions

With just a few clicks, you are able to gather valuable input from your customers worldwide and make informed decisions based on the responses.

Conduct Quick Training And Assessment

Use the power of surveys to conduct training programs. Assess groups and individuals by creating simple multiple choice question based tests.

Respect Privacy

Use anonymous surveys to gather details and opinions on sensitive matters.

Ready to talk about how NX3 can help grow your business?